
Babies & Toddlers

  • Infants (Newborns-2 Years)

    Evening childcare opens at 6:00 pm on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. A light snack will be provided or you may send something for your child.

    Daytime childcare will be from 8:30 am until lunchtime. Please pick up your infants before lunch starts for them to enjoy lunch with you. On Wednesday, please have infants wear their light blue “Summit shirt”, given during check-in.

  • 3-5 Year Olds

    Evening childcare will be available for three and four year olds. Classes open at 6:00pm all three nights. A light snack will be provided or you may send something for your child.

    Five-year olds are welcome to attend Junior Church during the evening services. Junior Church will be located in the Assembly Room. More details about Junior Church are listed under the Juniors section.

    Daytime childcare will be from 8:30 am until after lunch. Three to five year olds will be fed lunch in their classrooms. Children can wear play clothes during the day. On Wednesday, please have all children wear their light blue “Summit shirt”, given during check-in.



Daytime Services and Activities

Juniors should wear casual clothes on Wednesday and Thursday during the day. On Wednesday, they should wear their light blue “Summit shirt,” given to them during check-in.

After the Wednesday morning service, juniors will be dismissed to the buses located outside the Main Lobby for SkyZone trampoline park. Please wear casual clothes. All juniors must complete the Sky Zone Online Waiver.

On Thursday, following the morning service, juniors will be dismissed to buses for roller skating. Please bring high socks!

Lunch at the Summit

On both Wednesday and Thursday, juniors will eat lunch at their activities. If your child has a food allergy, please contact us at so we can plan accordingly.

Afternoon Pickup

After activities, please pick up all 1st-4th graders in the Main Auditorium at 1:30 pm. 5th and 6th graders are dismissed, but you can instruct them to stay in the Auditorium if you prefer.

Evening Service Times

During the evening services, there will be a Junior Church led by Judson Verzella for five to ten year olds. Junior Church will be an exciting time each evening! This year's theme is Nehemiah Building the Walls. We will have preaching, Bible activities, games, snacks, and singing. Junior Church will be located in the Assembly Room on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings. Check in and out for Junior Church will be broken down by last name using the four Assembly Room entrances. Doors will be labeled by letter. Church attire is appropriate for evening services. If you prefer, children are welcome to attend evening services in the Auditorium.

Adult Workers

Please note: all adult workers for juniors are background checked. If you have any questions or concerns about your child and juniors, please feel free to contact Judson Verzella at his email below.

Stay in the Know

For more details and junior updates and reminders - please join our parent's Whats App Chat at the link below.